Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Comment on blogs

After reading a lot of my classmates’ blogs, two of them generated my interest. The first blog that intrigued me was Caryn’s blog about blogging and podcasting. In her blog she talks about how blogging has exploded around the world. Such a vast amount of people have created a blog whether the reason was business oriented or just to voice your opinion on a certain issue or topic you feel strongly about. Blogging benefits the field of Public Relations because it provides PR companies with a good way to connect with the general public and to further investigate people’s perceptions regarding important problems. Blogs are convenient and are updated up to a few times a day depending on the blogger. Blogs are kept positive and influential in order to keep the negativity to a minimum.

Podcasting is equally as prevalent as blogging. It’s a way to effectively communicate to others through videos or other audio sources on the Internet. There is another good way for PR professionals to communicate messages through the use of the Internet to reach the public. This is effective because it’s a controlled message meaning it cannot be altered or changed by the media before it reaches their intended publics. Company’s create their message in a way that benefits them so that the public views the company in the same positive light they put themselves in. Both blogging and podcasting are both excellent tools to communicate with the public.

The second blog that caught my attention was Brittany’s blog about Pandora. Her blog speaks about how Pandora, which is an automated music recommendation service has grown immensely in popularity. The way it works is you type in either an artist, song or genre and Pandora finds a channel with songs and artists similar to what you would like based on what you have searched before.

Pandora also provides a good way to view how artists are doing in their careers as well as artists or bands competition. You can also rate music on Pandora by giving songs a thumbs up or thumbs down. This is a revolutionary system in the music industry.

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